Events Types Reference

Every event not mentioned here is considered unstable and can be removed at any moment.

Name Description Members
AppStateSyncComplete The app's state has been updated name (str)
Connected The library is connected to whatsapp servers None
PushNameSetting The account's name has been updated timestamp (unix timestamp), action (str), fromFullSync (bool)
Message Incoming message info (dict), message(dict)
MessageRead A message has been read messageID (list), sourceString(str), timestamp (unix timestamp)
Presence A contact's presence has changed from (str), online (bool), lastSeen (unix timestamp, optional)
HistorySync A part of the history has been synced filename (str)
KeepAliveTimeout Connection timeout errorCount (int), lastSuccess (unix timestamp)
KeepAliveRestored The library is not longer in timeout None
isLoggedIn The log-in status has changed loggedIn (bool)
MediaDownloaded Fires when a media is downloaded path(str), associatedMessageInfo(dict)
