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Welcome to the WhatsFly documentation!

WhatsFly is a powerful and easy-to-use library that enables you to interact with WhatsApp through Python. If you're familiar with Python and want to integrate WhatsApp functionalities into your projects, you've come to the right place. This library simplifies the process, allowing you to use WhatsApp with minimal effort.

What is WhatsFly?

WhatsFly allows you to leverage the full capabilities of WhatsApp directly from your Python code. With WhatsFly, you can:

  • Send and receive text messages
  • Handle and send media files (images, videos, audio)
  • Receive notifications
  • And much more

WhatsFly provides a Pythonic interface, making it easy to incorporate WhatsApp functionalities into your Python applications without dealing with the complexities of lower-level implementations.

Why Use WhatsFly?

WhatsFly offers a streamlined and efficient way to integrate WhatsApp into your Python projects. By avoiding the use of a WebDriver, WhatsFly operates faster and more resource-efficiently. This means:

  • Improved Performance: Directly interacting with WhatsApp's underlying protocols ensures quicker response times compared to the overhead of WebDriver-based solutions.
  • Resource Optimization: By not relying on a WebDriver, WhatsFly consumes fewer system resources, making it suitable for both small-scale applications and large-scale deployments.
  • Reliability: Minimizing dependencies on external tools reduces the chances of encountering issues related to browser updates or compatibility.

Current Features

✅: Works ❌: Broke ⏳: Soon 🔧: Can work with some tinkering

Feature Status
Multi Device
Send messages
Receive messages
Receive media (images/audio/video/documents)
Receive location
Send image
Send media (video)
Send media (documents)
Send media (audio)
Send stickers
Send contact cards
Send location
Message replies 🔧
Join groups by invite
Get invite for group
Modify group name
Modify group topic
Allow non-admin to edit group settings and send message (vice-versa)
Get Group info
Add group participants
Kick group participants
Promote/demote group participants
Mention users 🔧
Mute/unmute chats
Block/unblock contacts
Get contact info
Get profile pictures
Set user status message
React to messages


If git is found in the path, the binaries will be built dynamically

pip install types-PyYAML setuptools requests qrcode protobuf
pip install


Here's a basic example to get you started with WhatsFly. This code demonstrates how to send a message and listen for incoming messages using WhatsFly.


from whatsfly import WhatsApp
import time

def my_event_callback(event_data):
    Simple event callback to listen to incoming events/messages. 
    Whenever this function is called, it will retrieve the current incoming event or messages.
    print("Received event data:", event_data)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    phone = "6283139750000" # Make sure to attach country code + phone number
    message = "Hello World!"

    whatsapp = WhatsApp(on_event=my_event_callback)


    message_sent = whatsapp.sendMessage(phone, message)

    time.sleep(5 * 60)  # Listen for messages for 5 minutes


Warning: The first time you will start the library, it will compile or download binaries for your machine, so it could take long depending on your internet connexion.


  1. Event Callback Function:
  2. my_event_callback(event_data) handles incoming events and simply prints the event data to the console.

  3. Main Program Flow:

  4. The phone number (with country code) and the message to be sent are defined.
  5. An instance of WhatsApp is created with the event callback function.
  6. The script connects to WhatsApp using the connect() method. At this point it should show a QR code, scan it with your phone (on Connected Devices)
  7. A message is sent to the specified phone number using sendMessage(phone, message).
  8. The script listens for incoming messages for 5 minutes using time.sleep(5 * 60).
  9. Finally, it disconnects from WhatsApp using the disconnect() method.
